Sean Kyle - Independent Online Counsellor and Psychotherapist / Life Coach

Mental Health & Well-being Adviser (to both organisations and individuals)

Online Counselling, Psychotherapy, and Life Coaching.

Convenient, flexible, and affordable.

Issues/Disorders, I Can Help


Bipolar (manic depression), postnatal depression, major depression, persistent depressive disorder, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and atypical depression.


Sudden and traumatic death, facing death/anticipatory grief, socially unacceptable death, the death of a parent, abbreviated grief, absent grief, ambiguous loss, chronic grief, complicated grief, delayed grief, inhibited grief, and the death of a child.


Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), acute stress disorder, adjustment disorder, substance-induced, agoraphobia, caused by medical condition, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social phobia, and specific phobia.

Eating problem/disorder

Anorexia nervosa (atypical), bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, purging disorder, night eating syndrome, avoidant/restrictive intake, and pica.


Acute, episodic, chronic stress....due to trauma, over-exertion, environment, illness, fatigue, hormonal, dietary, dehydration, substance abuse, dental challenges, emotional, cognitive, perceptual, relationship difficulties, lack of social support, loss of employment and finances, isolation, crisis of values and purpose, and joylessness.

Relationship/Marriage problems

Affairs, betrayal, breakup and divorce, long distance relationships, communication problems, boundary problems, time management, intimacy, emotional infidelity, forgiveness, and lack of appreciation.


Physical abuse, domestic violence or abuse, sexual abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, financial or material abuse, modern slavery, discriminatory abuse, institutional abuse, neglect by others, and self-neglect.

Bullying and Self-harm

Physical bullying, social, sexual harassment, racial or religious slurs, homophobic, threatening, cyber bullying, exclusion, public humiliation, and sabotage.


Cutting (cuts or severe scratches), burning, carving words or symbols, hitting or punching, pulling out hair, hampering the healing process, poisoning themselves, deliberate misuse of drugs, starving, and excessive exercise.

Family problems/mediation

Breakdowns in communication, lack of discipline, lack of respect, parenting concerns, adjustment to divorce, frequent arguments, avoidance, angry outbursts, disagreements, and physical conflict.


Alcohol addiction, smoking, drugs (including prescription), gambling, food, video games, internet, sex, shopping, and work.

Personality disorders and Anger issues

Antisocial personality disorder, borderline, avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive, narcissistic, histrionic, schizoid, and paranoid.


Chronic anger, passive anger, overwhelmed anger, self-inflicted anger, judgmental anger, and volatile anger.

Suicidal thoughts/tendencies

Feelings of hopelessness, engage in risky activities, can't see any way out, self-harm, withdrawn from family and society, feelings that their life makes no sense and has no purpose, loss of interest, and putting affairs in order.

Sexual problems

Loss of desire, arousal disorders, difficulties with orgasm, erectile dysfunction, difficulties following abuse, fear of sex, sexuality and illness, sex avoidance, poor body image relating to intimacy, and paraphilias.

Gender Identity issues

Insistence of being their opposite sex, disliking of the clothes worn by their own sex, preferring the company of the opposite sex, passing urine in an uncommon way, distress over their genitalia and the physical changes of puberty.

Workplace issues

Interpersonal conflict, communication problems, gossip, bullying, harassment, discrimination, low motivation and job satisfaction, performance issues, poor job fit, and work related stress.

Low Self-Confidence/Self-Esteem

Feeling you fail at everything and are unsuccessful, no drive or direction, shy and uneasy, a sense of uselessness and worthlessness, inferior to others, bitterness about work, social and family relationships.

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© Sean Kyle 2017-2025 | Counsellor | Psychotherapist | Life Coach | BACP and ACTO compliant | BPS accreditations | DBS checked | HIPAA compliant | Towergate insured | Kemp House, 152 City Road, London. EC1V 2NX | Monday to Friday 8am - 9:30pm, Saturday 8am - 2:15pm, Sunday by request only. Bank holidays, and other, will vary. SAMARITANS - Call 116 123 or email

